2025 Summer Camps

F. A. Q. for Parents
How can parents save money when enrolling their child in a summer camp?
- Register early to take full advantage of all early-bird discounts!
- Ask friends of your child(ren) to register together for a group discount.
- Offer to volunteer at camp for a reduced price or for free registration.
- ASK if they have scholarships, financial aid or a sliding scale.
How can parents prepare their children for attending their first summer camp?
- Day camps are more fun when children know at least one other camper who will be attending. Don’t assume that they will be in the same group, let the camp director know your preferences when you initially register your child.
- If a camp facility is open when you register for camp, take a tour. If not, take a virtual tour of the facility through looking on their website. The more familiar your child is with the environment, the less overwhelming he/she will feel.
- Watch videos and look at photos of other campers having fun at camp. Look on the camp website and Google the camp name for additional postings.
- Print out the camp schedule for your child to read about a typical day at camp—from the meals, free time, activities, to the bedtime routines.
- For residential camps, make sure that this isn’t the first time your child will be sleeping away from home. Let them practice overcoming their separation anxiety with a couple of sleep-overs with friends or family before going to a residential camp. Write a letter (or email) to the camp director with any questions.
How can you find if a summer camp has any complaints filed?
- Look up the camp on the Better Business Bureau for any grievances. (BBB.org)
- Ask your friends through social media (Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, etc) if they have had any positive or negative experiences with the camp. Your friends will tell you!
When should you contact camp directors for summer jobs?
- Camp directors accept resumes through the year, but they hire the majority of their new staff between January and May.
- With the high levels of unemployment, there will be a tremendous competition for jobs. Send follow-up emails and make phone calls to show your interest. Camp directors want fun camp counselors who campers will enjoy being around, while also respecting and obeying them.
- The more experience you have working with kids, the better. Volunteer with your local schools, YMCA, churches, scouts, and other civic organizations to build your experience levels.
What different types of summer camps are there?
- Most are day camps, while some offer overnight or residential programs.
- Most are divided by age groups, but some are for all ages–even for families!
- Many camps provide different lengths of programs for your child from one week to the whole summer.
- Some camps specialize in Arts, Sports, or Academics.
- Other traditional camps provide multiple programs.
- Some camps provide unique programs that are often considered Specialty Camps.
- Many camps provide programs throughout the year during school breaks, after-school, and even for birthday parties.
What special tips are advised for sleep-away camps?
- Kids love receiving notes, money and care packages–even if they don’t tell you.
- Having a friend who is going along can make the camp experience more fun.
- Share any concerns you have with the Camp Director, but let them deal with any discipline problems. Don’t be a “helicopter parent” who flies in to resolve problems and hovers to micromanage the details.
If my child takes medication during the school year, should he take it for camp?
- First, consult with your child’s pediatrician before ever deciding to stop treating your child with any medication.
- Most children with allergy, asthma, diabetes, attention and impulsivity conditions are not “healed” during the summer months. Many times it can be worse with the heat, additional exercise, and being outside. Children with medical issues usually need special treatment to help them enjoy their summer camp experience the most.
- For children who take medication for their attention or impulsivity, it can be especially hard for them to listen to instructions, get along with peers, and control their impulses when they are not on medication.
F. A. Q. for Camp Directors
Do you really provide a full 100% money-back guarantee if I am not completely satisfied with the results from advertising in your directory?
Yes. Scott Ertl started our first summer camp directory in 2002 because he was frustrated by advertisers who shrugged their shoulders and said that the only solution for better results was to spend more money. He vowed from the start to always offer refunds if a client was not pleased with their results. After all, there’s nothing that works for everyone. While we strive to provide exceptional customer service for all of our clients, we understand that there are some clients that we are unable to please.
Typical reasons for refunds are when the camp has a very narrow topic, is expensive, or the commute is too far for a day camp. With over a 92% renewal rate from satisfied customers, we hope your camp will be one of the thousands of camps who continue to advertise with us for years so we can send hundreds and even thousands of campers to experience the magic that your camp offers.
Can I change or update my listing during the year? If so, who do I contact?
Yes! We’re happy to change your description if you have fall, winter or spring programs you want to promote. Please click on the “Contact Us” link on the home page of the specific directory where you want to list your camp. We have multiple account managers who are all happy to update your listing within 48-hours during the week.
How long do the listings appear on the directory?
Your listing stays online from time of purchase through December 31. Please note that when renewals start coming in October, listing positions change since listings are displayed in the order in which they are paid.
Renew early for higher placement if this is important to your camp and you want higher exposure above your competitors.
What is the difference between a Standard listing and Premium listing?
Standard Listings display:
- Camp Name
- Camp Address
- Contact Name
- Camp Phone number(s)
- Link to Email address
- Link to Website
- Color logo (Max. is 250 x 250 pixels)
Premium Listings display:
- Camp Name
- Camp Address
- Contact Name
- Camp Phone number(s)
- Link to Email address
- Link to Website
- Color logo (Max. is 250 x 250 pixels)
- PLUS: Top placement above all Standard listings
- 200 character description
- Up to 3 extra links (Youtube, Facebook & Twitter)
My camp fits in more than one category. Can I advertise in multiple categories?
Yes. We are more than happy to help you reach as many parents as possible for your camp. We offer a full 100% money-back guarantee to insure your complete satisfaction. If you find that the results from one (or more) category are unsatisfactory, you are entitled to choose a complete refund or credit for next year.
What is Google Analytics?
There are other websites that provide this same services, but this is free. All you have to do is have your webmaster enter some HTML code on your first page of your website to install an invisible counter that starts tracking your visitors. You can find which websites refer traffic to your website and even how long they stay on your website.
Please understand that as consumer privacy rights increase and users choose to limit their information from being tracked, Google Analytics is unable to accurately record as much data. For example, the default setting for many phones and browsers prevents cookies and tracking for website visitors. This has dramatically reduced the amount of accurate data that is available.
Set up your free Google Analytics account, with videos to explain every step along the way: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI5YfMzCfRtZNBRmhTEJkcHYvN_x_wpxM
Is it better to advertise on national or state-wide websites?
Great question! National marketing definitely has its advantages–especially when you are trying to draw campers from outside your state. Websites like ACAcamps.org and SummerCamps.com provide adequate national summer camp options. Since the overwhelming majority of campers travel less than 3 hours to attend a summer camp, most camps do their best marketing when they focus on campers within that radius.
SummerCampDirectories.com is designed to help parents find Arts, Sports, Academic, and Specialty camps in their own region which are convenient and up-to-date. Some camps have locations in multiple cities and they advertise in multiple directories to reach parents looking for summer camps in their city. Similarly, some camps charge a higher tuition and they find that just 1 camper registration from advertising in multiple directories is worth it since campers often participate in more than one session, year, and even bring friends or siblings.